Tuesday, February 16, 2010

After what's left...

It was quiet, this new year.

Especially when he is gone.

I'm okay now, I suppose. Yeah, probably have to pick up all the messed up feelings and proceed back to Korea for the other half a year before coming back for my internship. Oh ya, and the annoying wound on my foot.

For the first new year in my life, the entire Lee family went for a movie marathon two days in a row, watched the "Little Big Soldier" and "72 Tenants". Yeah, with me limping around the Melaka Mall for two days in a row too. How wonderful.

And... we played a lot of Big 2 - typical Chinese poker card game.

5 days to go.

What can I do with my condition like this?


  1. hi...happy new year...
    i hope i am not disturbing you, but, it happened that i found your blog about Silla University when i google it.
    i am going to apply to this Uni, but i can't really find much details about it.
    do you mind to tell me more about it?

  2. i can be reached at wyyee85@hotmail.com
    thank you very much...
