Wednesday, August 20, 2008

我的好朋友, Esther Wang (1)

Dedicated to Esther:

如果要我讲述我的好朋友的话,在我的人生当中, Esther她扮演着一个非常重要及特别的角色。若真的要我形容她,我可能就完全没辙了。我可以尽量用很好的华文程度来让你了解她,但是有些时候好的东西往往都是非笔墨能形容的。可是倘若要说她好,那就很可能太高举她的人格了。与其说她好,不如就叫她独特吧!


相信我,我们竟然还能在不刻意的情况下进了同一所大学。我选的科系,附近的大学只有Sunway University College才有。那么巧Esther的爸爸大力推荐她进该所大学,这也实实在在的证明了“缘分”这两个字的威力。还未能再续我们的同班前缘,但是现在想起来其实没什么大不了的,因为我知道我们的“好朋友”缘分称得上是举世无双也与众不同的。

Esther是一个典型的双鱼座。让她做那两条鱼的代言人必定是最佳人选了。记得有一次和她一起去到书店,随手翻开的星座书是这样形容她的:Shy,Romantic, Trustworthy, Dreamy,Understanding, Unrealistic and Impractical。我只能用我的苦笑来赞成。当我往下看“喜好”的那部分时,我认定Esther和双鱼座是可以画上等号的。她喜欢浪漫,爱好大自然,向往自由和需要个人隐私的特性看来已经得到世人的肯定了。




Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Event Graphic Design

My semester break started. You should see how sad I looked right now.

What makes today slightly more interesting is Event Graphic Design. We are learning Adobe Illustrator. We were taught about basic stuff today, select, rotate, erase, undo, copy, fill, stroke, shape and group.

The 1st task after the class is to draw a face, not only a face, a face with rules and regulations.

1) The face must be round.
2) The eyes must be exact same shape and size, aligned horizontally.
3)The hair must be rectangle.
4) The image must be filled with colours.
5) The shape has to be grouped together in the end.

And this is what I came out with in 3 minutes.
I have no idea why the colours run when I transfer up to blogger. Maybe it is because of CMYK to RGB and came out like this.

Just imagine what I drew lah.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Colour Up

And so, I dyed my hair.

Stephanie messaged me in the afternoon and we wanted to have lunch. After that we ended up at my house. Jane came over to take anime so she suddenly got involved in this major project too.

I realized I do not have time for this thing to happen anytime next week so I suggested to go dye our hair today. "Our hair" here refer to Steph and mine. Jane did already and gave us enough shock yesterday when we met during the Skate Asia 2008 briefing session.

I dig my piggy bank, took a load of cash and we ran all the way to Cut and Blow at SS14.

I let Steph do hers 1st, I prefer to watch before I went to do something scary and bizarre to my hair. Steph's highlighting is quick. In an hour she had done hers and looking good.

While mine ended up till 7.45pm for a duration of 2 hours.

I don't know what colour to pick and the hairdresser did the honour to dye my hair.

The result is a little lala-ish. =/

I decided not to post the end result. But let's post the during photos. XD
ShawnKid with a typical dragon ball hairstyle.

Stephanie with streaks of blond.

I don't know how do I look with this new hairstyle. Steph said is nice on me Adrian said:"Woah!"(Whatever that means).

My 1st hairdo ever in my entire life.

It felt good.


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Annual Campfire Dinner 2008

The event I was working on for my whole semester break.

Finally, done.

I got my week of semester break back to myself and do something for myself before I got to go work part time at the Skate Asia Ice Skating Competition at Sunway Pyramid.

During the preparation of the event itself, I tell you I almost developed a fear towards phone calls. Every time when my phone starts to ring, regardless whether it is a phone call or sms, its never a good thing. Either it is more work for me or more bad news. I certainly believe my phone bills will make my mother's hair transform into Medusa's and turn me into statue. And the number of the phone calls I received broke my "Call Per Day" record, almost reaching 50 calls on the Saturday itself is something extraordinary, and somehow it can be very, very, very annoying.

I realized the ability that I can be spontaneous and the ability of mine had been abused by the committees. Of course, I'm not happy. They don't understand the particular section of the event but they refuse to understand it and then there I was, standing on the stage MC-ing, taking over that segment. The frustration on the committees' face made me even MORE frustrated. Come on, it's suppose to be your event. Not mine.

And not to mention I'm wearing a V.I.P tag.

Without a doubt, when I'm in this kind of tight situation, Esther is with me. So, her face almost looked crumpled together out of frustration. LOL.

During the event itself, I can say I'm only 50% satisfied. I would have graded the overall event C+ . But I wouldn't be so harsh with myself. Considering the face that, the cloth hanging, the deco at the side of the hall, the table setting, the catering, the chocolate gifts, the lucky draw prizes, the fishing line, the sticks, the safety pins and etc are taken care by me and Esther. If you don't understand, just nod your head.

I have no fear of admitting that the committee don't even care about this event. They are doing it because they have to do it. This is what we describe as "No initiative.". Simple task such as buying something can lead to major excuses such as my parents don't let, right up to I got tuition and not forgetting the classic, no transport. Sending me a document can lead to excuses like my computer crash, my MSN did not work, my printer no ink and many many more.

I'm partially impressed at the variety of excuses.

Glad that Steph and Adrian are willing to support my event. Obviously, you can see we didn't fully occupied the seats but managed to hit 150 pax target. The image above was taken by my sister at the back table. XD

And so, more complaints via personal conversation.

Photos are taken with "professional" photographer, Ye Heng. It need some time to reach me. So wait up! XD

P/S: Adrian rate the event 8/10 wor.