Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fund Raising

This is the 1st fund raising activity I did.

And it happened for my scout's annual dinner.

We sell hot dogs on a stick!

It was Esther's idea, she sold it for her apprentice project and so, we took her marvelous idea and make it work, again.

But, at the end of the day, we did everything. We, refer to Esther and I only. At the very fine night before the fund raising, when we were buying the ingredients at Mydin, we can't help but question ourselves: "Why are we doing this?"

We are assistance scouters, we are suppose to assist, not take over the scout's job. The juniors apparently got so BUSY in their school life, and the parents are too RELUCTANT to let their children out to participate in any activity or merely just to buy some stuff.

What's the point? Why are we still doing everything?

We had to wake up 4.30am and fry the spicy, smoked and cheese sausages at Esther's house, put it on the stick and provide container, ice box, box drinks and sauces.

What they did is call: "Hello, where are you now? It's getting late."

Despite of all the hard work, it paid off obviously.

Not much, but enough to satisfy myself.

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